With this blogg, I start into sweidish cuisine.But before i start with my todays recipe about cheese fondue. I am going to write something general about cooking, something about working with onions.
Onions are an ver old ingreadiant and are spred through a lot of cultures, like ancient egyptian and rom. One reason for that is, that they are full of nutritions. When working with onions, you should know:
-that there are 2 basic types: the hotter storage onion and milder fresh onion
-ach onion taste is dependened on the soil it grews
- best way to slice onions is to cut them in halfs and leave them rest for some minuits with the cuttet side down
- if you store onions, kep them away from potatos and light and wrap sliced ones in foil
-more about onion and a good recipe here
but back to the fondue. Fondue was originated in swiss, during winters, where the main meals consists of cheese amd bread, since they are storeable (more).
The recipe, i used, is pretty easy, since you only have to molt the three diffrent kinds of cheese, cut bread and enjoy. If your result looks like this:
you are on the right way. (source)
But you don't have to use always cheese for a fondue, you can variate and use chocolate, wine or even fat.
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